Dual Enrollment procedures differ greatly depending on where a class is held. Please choose the appropriate option below.
I'm interested in enrolling in classes at my high school.
Contract Dual Enrollment
Contract Dual Enrollment courses are offered at various high schools across Northern Virginia. These classes are offered during the school day and taught by high school teachers who are also credentialed as NOVA adjuncts.
I'm interested in enrolling in classes at NOVA.
Independent Dual Enrollment
High school students taking NOVA courses online or on campus are designated as independent dual enrollment students. Students can request enrollment to earn college credits prior to high school graduation by following the outlined steps below. Students are responsible for the tuition and fees. Students cannot enroll themselves in courses at NOVA. Account holds are in place to prevent students from enrolling until after high school graduation
Admission & Placement Criteria
Private, public, and homeschool juniors and seniors must meet certain criteria outlined by the Virginia Community College System (VCCS) to register for college-level, credit-bearing courses. Certain courses (for example: English, math and science) require prerequisites or specific placement testing. Students must meet all placement requirements for each course requested.