Tuition and Fees Payment
Students are responsible for tuition and fees for courses. Learn about making your tuition payment, payment plans, and payment deadlines for your independent DE classes.
Textbooks and Course Materials
Search for required textbooks/course materials at
Students will be automatically enrolled in NOVA ALL ACCESS ($22.50 per credit hour). Review details about NOVA All Access so you can make an informed decision.
Accommodations and Accessibility Services
Students with Individualized Education Plans (IEP) or 504 plans must apply for a Memorandum of Accommodations (MOA) at the college. Any approved accommodations for the NOVA course/grade must be on record at the college.
Once enrolled, you may go to the nearest campus to obtain a NOVACard.
Canvas Access/Classroom Location
Your course will open in Canvas on or a few days before your course start date.
- Check your schedule for your course start date and class location in SIS through MyNOVA.
- On your course start date, log in to your myNOVA account, and click on the Canvas tile.
- Review Canvas student tutorials before getting started.
- Check your student Gmail account to receive updates from your course instructor and NOVA.
Enrollment Deadlines (Drop/Withdraw)
Even though the Office of Dual Enrollment enrolled you in the course, you are responsible to drop or withdraw from the course.
Degree Planning
View the Academic Catalog to plan your degree or certificate pathway at NOVA. You can work with an Independent DE Coordinator to add the academic plan to your account to track your progress by completing e-form 125-345.