Mentoring Programs

students sitting together

Are you ready to find a mentoring opportunity?

Mentoring relationships are a shared opportunity for learning and growth. The rewards gained are substantial and have enabled those in the program to:

  • Have fun!
  • Achieve personal growth and learn more about themselves
  • Improve their self-esteem and feel they are making a difference 
  • Feel more productive and have a better attitude at work

Alexandra Campus Student Retention Program

In 2009, the Jean Braden Center for Women, Gender and Social Equity initiated the Women Helping Women Retention Program at the NOVA Alexandria Campus. In 2025, the Center was renamed as the Jean Braden Center for Student Success to reaffirm our commitment to providing a welcoming and supportive environment for all students. The Retention Program aims to provide better support to all students, and it involves pairing them with a NOVA faculty or staff member who serves as their mentor. As a mentor, individuals offer their mentees several benefits, including:

  • Support: Mentees get to meet other students and have regular conversations with an experienced professional and leader. This is an excellent opportunity to build a relationship during and after their time as a student at NOVA.
  • Resources: Mentees can learn about and explore various opportunities such as jobs, scholarships, networking events, and programs.
  • Leadership: Mentees receive support for furthering their leadership goals. Past mentees have led conferences, started international programs to support women, and developed workshops on topics of importance to them.
  • Graduation: Mentees receive motivation and guidance to help them successfully complete their studies.

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