Administrative and Campus Units
Academic and Student Support Services and Administrative Departments: Examples of Data to Support Institutional Effectiveness
Provides information and examples of various methods that student support services and administrative units can use.
Administrative and Support Services Outcomes
PowerPoint that explains how to write effective operational outcomes for administrative units.
Assessment Fundamentals (WSSU)
PowerPoint on the evaluation process, which includes developing SMART outcomes, creating methods that properly assess outcome(s), and how to write the report.
Frameworks for Assessing Learning and Development Outcomes (Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education)
Discusses why one should evaluate various administrative and campus units, what aspects to measure (communication, leadership, social responsibility, etc.), challenges in evaluation, and ways to evaluate.
National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA)
NILOA aims to make the evaluation process more visible to the public while also improving student learning. Their website includes various assessment resources (e.g., sample assignments, mapping toolkit) and suggests ways to improve transparency in assessment practices.
Resource Manual for the Principles of Accreditation: Foundations for Quality Enhancement, Third Edition (SACSCOC)
Guides institutions through the assessment and evaluation process so that they can comply with SACSCOC standards—and does so without “prescribing a specific institutional practice or approach.” The Office of College Planning and Evaluation focuses on Sections 7 and 8.