Corporate Giving

Put NOVA to Work for You

What do you call nearly 6,000 graduates ready to tackle the region’s employment challenges? A business opportunity! Many of our students start their training at NOVA – and then jump right into the workforce. Others work as interns as they finish their four-year degree locally. Work with NOVA to establish a ready-to-work talent pipeline through giving to the NOVA Foundation. Your company’s time, talent and financial contributions have the power to transform lives through the opportunities granted via higher education. Here’s how:

Fund a Scholarship

NOVA students are driven and motivated to achieve. Often the only barriers to their success are financial ones. An overwhelming 71% of NOVA students who don’t complete their education cite financial challenges as the number one reason. You can help. When you invest in a NOVA student, you are investing in the workforce you need today – and tomorrow.

Learn more about Scholarships

Endow a Faculty Chair

Our faculty are not just expert teachers – they are first and foremost experts who can teach. NOVA is unique in that the majority of our faculty bring years of practical experience in their fields into the classroom. The train, challenge and mentor the job-ready talent pool coming out of NOVA every year.

If NOVA is to maintain a competitive edge in preparing your workforce, it must have access to individuals who are responsible for shaping and refining the occupational and technical skills in various fields. These Endowed Professors will join a committed team of educators in their respective departments and provide leadership and expertise in the design, development and implementation of innovative courses and academic programs. They will help establish new, and strengthen existing relationships within the community to enhance academic opportunities for strategic groups, including military families and at-risk students. Help us today.

Learn more about Faculty

Establish a Talent Pipeline

Where better to recruit new employees than a diverse, knowledge-rich institution like NOVA? We can provide your company access to the trained talent you need to build your business. Through our Career Connections platform, you can directly recruit for jobs or have applicants directed to your recruiting website. In exchange, NOVA can provide opportunities for your employees to serve on our industry advisory boards, to help us learn from the experts to improve our offerings, and to become guest lecturers for our students.

Provide Capital Support

Companies that want to make a permanent and highly visible contribution to NOVA and its six campuses can consider unique naming opportunities for technical labs, skills centers, facilities or separate campus buildings. Given through the Foundation, donations of needed equipment, supplies, software, and subscriptions can provide significant benefits to the NOVA’s academic and technical programs, and provide helpful tax breaks to corporations

Participate in Campus Activities Sponsorship

Increase your company's visibility through direct participation in campus activities. This involvement might include sponsoring student groups; award programs and competitions; conferences and seminars; or mentorship/internship opportunities.

Set Up a Matching Gift Program

Companies of all sizes match donations their employees make to nonprofits because it’s an easy, structured way for them to support good work in their communities. Setting up a matching gift program at your corporation allows employees to leverage their charitable giving and support for NOVA.

A Worthwhile Investment

When you partner with NOVA, you open networking opportunities with our student body. One of the best contributions you can make is hiring NOVA graduates as a long-term investment in their future and your business’s continued success.