Hourly Parking Options & Bundles

Hourly Parking

Hourly parking payments can be conveniently made through the Passport mobile app or at designated campus Pay Stations. Please note that payments for hourly parking are required to be completed upon arrival at campus.

  • Hourly Parking transactions are non-refundable.
  • Hourly Parking Payment Details:
    • Rate: $2.50 per hour
    • Daily Maximum: $12.50
  • Parking Locations: Vehicles with Hourly paid time may park in any Student & Hourly Pay Parking.

Hourly Bundles - Passport Parking App

passport parking app logo

Hours Value Cost Savings Hourly Rate

Hourly Bundle*
























*Bundle balances transfer from semester to semester

  • Discounted Parking Bundles: Students and visitors have the option to purchase discounted bundles of hourly parking via the Passport Parking App. For information on how to add an hourly bundle visit our How-To Guide.
  • App Download Instructions: For guidance on downloading the Passport Parking App, please refer to our How-To Guide for Passport.
  • Bundle Balance and Refund Policy: Any remaining balance from purchased bundles may be utilized in future semesters. Please note that all sales are final after the first use, and no prorated refunds are available.