Our Students

About Our Students

NOVA’s College ESL students come from diverse backgrounds and countries. No matter where you come from and your goals, you will fit at NOVA.

Our students include:

  • recent graduates of foreign high schools and universities who have come to the U.S. to study.
  • permanent residents of the U.S. who have lived here for several years.
  • undocumented immigrants who have graduated from Virginia high schools.
  • those who have not finished high school either in the U.S. or their home country.
  • workers in retail stores, restaurants, banks, medical offices and other places.
  • those who are taking courses for their degree or certificate while they are improving their English skills.
  • students who are planning to transfer to a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree program at a university.
  • those who want to improve their English reading, writing, and presentation skills to expand their work opportunities.

For more information about the College ESL program, read our FAQ.