Organizational Learning & Development

About Organizational Learning & Development

The Organizational Learning & Development (OL&D) team promotes NOVA's commitment to continuous learning and excellence by providing and encouraging access to a range of professional development opportunities for faculty and staff. As the new HR structure continues to evolve, the OL&D team will visit the campuses to provide training on our new processes. The OL&D team can be contacted at  or by calling 703.323.3110.

The benefits of our programs and approach include:

  • increased retention
  • improved communication
  • more effective teamwork
  • improved morale and job satisfaction
  • higher productivity, quality, and efficiency
  • increased management effectiveness
  • strengthened career path options
  • improved development and strategic planning

Organizational Learning and Development Team

Name Services Provided
Yesenia Bidwell
Associate Director, Learning and Analytics

Manages - Professional Development Funding, Educational Assistance, Workshops, Training and NOVA Academy
John Mayen-Krogstad
Organizational Learning and Development Specialist

Professional Development Opportunities, NOVA Academy, Educational Assistance, Orientation & Workshops

NOVA Academy

NOVA Academy user accounts are not automatically generated for adjunct faculty and wage employees. If you have followed the “Forgot Login ID?” and “Forgot Password?” steps from the NOVA Academy login page and received a message stating that the system does not recognize your information, please follow the Non-State User Registration Guide. Please contact us at  if you have any questions or for assistance.

Tuition Assistance

  1. Tuition assistance applies to a maximum of six credits per semester.
  2. $1,900 per fiscal year for full-time faculty and classified employees, subject to funding availability.
  3. You must receive a passing grade of "C" or better.
  4. Tuition assistance is limited to those costs not covered by another source (e.g., veteran’s educational payments, scholarships, and grant-in-aids).
  5. Deadline for final approval on all requests is prior to course registration and start date.
  6. Complete Education Assistance Request form and follow instructions listed on the form:
    1. Form 105-043A is for NOVA credit courses. Requests can only be submitted up to 30 days prior to the course start date for NOVA credit courses.
    2. Form 105-043B is for external courses. This process may take up to four weeks for HR to process once the completed form (with appropriate signatures) is received.
    3. Both forms can be found in the  NOVA Forms Library. HR must receive the complete request prior to the course start date. Late submissions to HR after the start date cannot be accepted. Please contact if you have any questions.
Employee Group Time in service requirement for NOVA credit course requests (Form 105-043A) Time in service requirement for external requests (Form 105-043B) Eligible for up to 6 free NOVA credits per semester Eligible for up to $1,900 per Fiscal Year for external, accredited institutions Eligible for Continuing Education/ Workforce Development Courses
Adjunct Faculty Must be teaching in current semester and taught in two semesters previously, unless job related/required per supervisor Not eligible Yes No No
Faculty (9- and 12-month) Must have taught for at least one semester thus far, or 15+ credit hours of teaching for NOVA After completing one year of employment at NOVA. Yes Yes, if 40 hour/week employee, otherwise, pro-rated amount (must be job, or degree related) * Yes, if job-related, or required by supervisor
Faculty (Administrative and Professional) Must be Employed 6+ Months, unless job related/required per supervisor After completing one year of employment at NOVA. Yes Yes, if 40 hour/week employee, otherwise, pro-rated amount (must be job, or degree related) * Yes, if job-related, or required by supervisor
P-14 Wage (20+ hours per week) Must be Employed 6+ Months, unless job related/required per supervisor Not eligible Yes No No
P-3 Classified (20+ hours per week) Must be Employed 6+ Months, unless job related/required per supervisor After completing one year of employment at NOVA. Yes Yes, if 40 hour/week employee, otherwise, pro-rated amount (must be job, or degree related) * Yes, if job-related, or required by supervisor
Work study, student hires, and F-1 visas No No No No No
*Must meet time in service requirement before becoming eligible