Commuter Choice Program

The Commuter Choice program provides a tax-free benefit to full-time salaried state employees for commuting costs. At this time, the College is authorized to provide a maximum of $315 per month towards commuting costs to and from work.

Employee Eligibility Requirements

  • Full-time and/or part-time, salaried employees
  • Using VRE, Amtrak, or MARC transit or Registered SmarTrip card (must be in the employee’s name)
  • Must not be on extended leave

Employees can enroll in the Commuter Choice program at any time. Initial enrollment forms must be received prior to the 15th of the month for participation the following month. Forms received after the15th but before the end of the month will be eligible for participation the following month.


  • Employee submits form on September 14th. Benefits should become available on the SmarTrip card on October 1st.
  • Employee submits form on September 27th. A check request will be processed for the employee for the month of October. Benefits will then become available on the SmarTrip card on November 1st.

Completed commuter choice enrollment forms should be emailed to Human Resources at The registered SmarTrip card number should also be included with the enrollment form. Upon successful enrollment, the employee  will receive an email from Human Resources.

Employees may participate in the program for as little or as long as they wish. Recertification is required once per year. Human Resources will contact employees about one to two months prior to the expiration of benefits as a reminder that they need to recertify in order to continue receiving benefits.

Employees will not be allowed to have both a parking permit and participate in the Commuter Choice Program. Employees can switch from the Commuter Program back to parking, or vice versa, with proper notification. However, changes in enrollment choices will be limited to 2 events per calendar year. If an employee currently participating in the Commuter Choice Program needs to occasionally drive to work, the employee should obtain a daily parking permit in advance (limited to 4 daily parking per month) or they may purchase a ‘B’ Lot parking permit.

An employee wishing to end their participation in the program must notify Human Resources.

For questions regarding this program, you may contact

Commuter Choice Resources

Commuter Connections

The Commuter Information Source for Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia.
This site provides information on Guaranteed Ride Home, transit options, ozone action days and much more.


Contact Benefits Administration