About Phi Theta Kappa
Phi Theta Kappa is an international honor society that has been recognized for academic excellence since 1918. With 1,100 chapters throughout the world and 1.3 million members, it is a prestigious organization whose members comprise the top 10 percent of students enrolled in two-year colleges. ΦΘΚ members receive benefits ranging from program opportunities to more than $36 million in transfer scholarships.
The utility of membership extends beyond the academic world. Intelligent, hard-working and reliable -- these are the traits of members, and businesses look for these qualities in job applicants. Membership serves as evidence of your achievements. If you are considering membership, the eligibility requirements state that you must have completed 12 hours of coursework leading to an associate degree and have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or better. If you meet these requirements, you may apply to enjoy the privileges of membership.
For more information, please contact the appropriate campus advisor:
- Alexandria: Tau Nu Chapter - Karen Chipman
- Annandale: Alpha Beta Rho - Joann Credle
- Loudoun: Alpha Zeta Rho Chapter - Christopher Blake and Stephen Clarke
- Manassas: Alpha Iota Zeta Chapter - Timothy Hadlock
- Medical Education (MEC): Beta Nu Psi Chapter - Patricia Martin-Mattocks
- Woodbridge: Alpha Delta Tau Chapter - Theana Kastens