Workers' Compensation

Workers' Compensation

The following forms must be completed whenever an employee has an accident or is injured in the course of employment with Northern Virginia Community College:

Please contact to receive a list of Worker’s Compensation approved panel of physicians.

General Information

The Virginia Worker’s Compensation Act covers injuries and illnesses that arise specifically as a result of an individual's job duties. In order for an accident to be compensable under the VWCA, it must arise out of and in the course of employment. This means that not all injuries that simply happen at work are compensable under the Act. Claims that are ruled compensable allow for payment of related medical expenses and lost time over seven calendar days resulting from that injury/illness. NOVA does not make any claim decisions or payments. All claim determination decisions and payments are handled by the third-party administrator for Worker’s Compensation, Managed Care Innovations, Inc. (P. O. Box 1140, Richmond, VA 23208, telephone 804.649.2288). Claims with any lost time also need to be coordinated by the employee with the Virginia Sickness and Disability Program (VSDP) through the third party provider, The Reed Group at 877.928.7021.

If your claim for Worker’s Compensation benefits is denied, Managed Care Innovations (MCI) will pay for the first office visit on a denied claim providing the employee has health insurance coverage, the medical service is reasonable, directly related to the injury and provided by a Workers' Compensation Panel Physician. You may contact the Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission for information on how to appeal a denied claim by calling their toll free number at 1.877.664.2566 or in writing to: Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission, 1000 DMV Drive, Richmond, VA 23220.

If at any time you have any questions about your benefits or your claim, it is appropriate for the employees to contact the claims adjuster at Managed Care Innovations (MCI) regarding specific issues associated with their claim. They may be reached by calling their toll free number at 1.888.200.9531

If you need further assistance and information, please contact the Human Resources Office at 703.323.3110. Retain this memorandum for future reference. Each division, department and office should also retain a copy with all attachments for future use.

View the Department of Human Resource Management (DHRM) website for more information.

  1. Comply with all the established policies and procedures;
  2. Keep all parties (NOVA HR, The Reed Group if VSDP is involved and your treating physician);
  3. Select a physician from the list of Panel Physicians
  4. Keep all parties informed of your status and any changes.

Work-related injuries and illnesses are not subject to the same level of doctor-patient privacy requirements as non work-related injuries and illness. Worker’s compensation involves you, your physician, NOVA HR, your supervisor, the workers’ compensation insurance carrier and also The Reed Group when VSDP is involved.

Worker’s Compensation Procedures

  1. Immediately report the work-related injury/illness to your supervisor and file an Employer’s First Report of Accident with Human Resources. All Employer’s First Report of Injury Forms must be submitted to Human Resources within 10 calendar days from the date of the incident. Those employees needing immediate medical treatment for serious injuries may visit the Emergency Room and will need to report the injury as Workers' Compensation at the time treatment is received. All follow-up treatment must be provided by a Workers' Compensation panel physician.
    The supervisor of the injured employee is responsible for completing and submitting to Human Resources the Supervisor’s Detailed Assessment of Employee’s Accident Form. The supervisor should also contact Campus Police and have photographs taken of the injury scene if the supervisor feels that would be useful to later assess the cause of the injury.
  2. Please contact to receive a list of Worker’s Compensation approved panel of physicians.
  3. All employees are required to use their personal sick leave (and other personal leave, as necessary) to cover time off for a claim of work-related injury or illness. VSDP participants must notify The Reed Group if the injury or illness results in a physician releasing them from work for any period of time. In situations when an employee is out of work for more than seven calendar days on a compensable claim, the employee is entitled to benefits available under the VSDP program. ALL time off for a work-related injury/illness must be authorized in writing by the treating health care provider. The written release must reflect a specific time period (whether for an appointment or for a lengthier absence) along with the physician’s signature and must be submitted to Human Resources. The treating physician must also verify the return to work status in writing to HR prior to reinstatement. Any time missed from work will be charged to annual leave, sick leave, or leave without pay (LWOP) as necessary, pending any benefits from VSDP.
  4. Continuation of full salary while a compensability decision is being made is contingent upon the amount of available personal leave balances and the establishment of a Short-Term Disability claim by The Reed Group under VSDP.
  5. Any bills, doctor notes, disability slips and other documents received by the employee must be forwarded to Human Resources. During any medical appointments, it is the employee’s responsibility to request and obtain accurate written information. All medical provider’s bills for services must be complete with medical notes and insurance codes, should reference your claim number and date of injury. For prompt payments medical providers may invoice directly Managed Care Innovations, P. O. Box 1140, Richmond, VA 23208, 804.649.2288. Any invoices that are received by the employee and submitted to HR will simply be forwarded to Managed Care Innovations on the employee’s behalf for any payment.
  6. In accordance with NOVA policy, the employee is also covered under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and is covered concurrently with all time out due to the injury and/or illness.