Hours, Locations, Staff
Spring Semester (January 21 - May 12, 2025)
Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 7:00pm
Friday: 8:30am - 12:30pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed
Spring Break (March 17 - March 21)
Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Friday: 8:30am - 12:30pm
Emergency Closings
If NOVA is closed (e.g., for inclement weather) the library will also be closed; check the College website for alerts.
Contact Us
703.845.6231 (Circulation Desk)
703.845.6456 (Research Help Desk)
Schedule an Appointment
Bisdorf Building (AA) 232
5000 Dawes Ave
Alexandria, VA 22311
When the library is closed, you may return materials in the bookdrop at the front entrance of the Bisdorf Building (by the flagpoles).
The library is located on the 2nd floor of the AA building directly inside the building's main entrance.
Study Spaces
The library offers numerous options for study spaces, including open study areas, private study carrels, and group/quiet study rooms.
Quiet Study Spaces: Area behind the bookshelves on main level and two rooms on 2nd level
Faculty and Staff
Name | Title | Phone | |
Annemarie Anderson | Instructional Services Librarian | 703.845.6025 | aanderson@nvcc.edu |
Abby Bricker | Public Services & Technology Librarian | 703.845.6031 | abricker@nvcc.edu |
Nadia Mobley | Circulation Specialist | 703.845.6032 | nmobley@nvcc.edu |
Kevin O’Hagan | Circulation, Reserves & Interlibrary Loan Specialist | 703.845.6356 | kohagan@nvcc.edu |
Femila Riguera | Circulation & Collections Specialist (Part-Time, evenings) |
703.845.6028 | friguera@nvcc.edu |
Alexis Waide | Collection Development Librarian/Lead Librarian | 703.933.5066 | awaide@nvcc.edu |
Vacant Co-Acting: Anne Anderson, Nadia Mobley, Kevin O'Hagan |
Reference, Outreach, & Acquisitions Specialist |
Spring Semester (January 21 - May 12, 2025)
Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 7:00pm
Friday: 8:30am - 12:30pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed
Spring Break (March 17 - March 21)
Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Friday: 8:30am - 12:30pm
Emergency Closings
If NOVA is closed (e.g., for inclement weather) the library will also be closed; check the College website for alerts.
Contact Us
Schedule an Appointment
Founders Hall (CFH) 300
8333 Little River Turnpike
Annandale, VA 22003
When the library is closed, you may return materials in the book return near the elevator in the library lobby Monday - Friday. The library lobby is closed on Saturdays and Sundays.
The library is located on the 3rd floor of the CFH building near the elevator.
Study Spaces
Group Study Rooms
Digital Media Studio
Quiet study area
Study tables
Computer lab: Available to students when not in use for library instruction.
Faculty and Staff
Name | Title | Phone | |
Naimeh Abuel Hawa | Acquisitions & Reference Specialist | 703.323.3869 | nabuelhawa@nvcc.edu |
Stacy Arth | Reference Librarian (part-time) | 703.323.3128 | sarth@nvcc.edu |
Crystal Boyce | Instruction & Technology Librarian | 703.323.3861 | cboyce@nvcc.edu |
Phoebe Brackett | Circulation Manager | 703.323.3875 | pbrackett@nvcc.edu |
Elizabeth Dellavedova | Library Director | 703.323.3066 | edellavedova@nvcc.edu |
JP Garces | Course Reserves and Interlibrary Loan Specialist | 703.323.3870 | jgarces@nvcc.edu |
Jeff Prater | Collection Development/OER and Reference Librarian | 703.425.0796 | jprater@nvcc.edu |
Mariam Nasser | Circulation & Periodicals Specialist | 703.323.3864 | dnasser@nvcc.edu |
Chris Russell | Reference & Instruction Librarian (part-time) | 703.323.3871 | rrussell@nvcc.edu |
Jane Spencer | Circulation & Intercampus Loans Specialist | 703.323.3865 | jspencer@nvcc.edu |
Loudoun Campus Library Course Reserves
Spring Semester (January 21 - May 12, 2025)
Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 7:00pm
Friday: 8:30am - 12:30pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed
Spring Break (March 17 - March 21)
Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Friday: 8:30am - 12:30pm
Emergency Closings
If NOVA is closed (e.g., for inclement weather) the library will also be closed; check the College website for alerts.
Contact Us
Schedule an Appointment
Learning Commons (LC), Room 300
21200 Campus Drive
Sterling, VA 20164–8699
When the library is closed, you may return materials in the book drop at the entrance to the LC (Learning Commons) building.
Study Spaces
The library offers study space options, including open study areas, private study carrels, and group/quiet study rooms.
Group Study Rooms: LC 302D and LC 302E
Quiet Study Room: LC 302C
Faculty and Staff
Name | Title | Phone | |
McKenna Brady | Circulation & Reserves Specialist | 703.948.5738 | mebrady@nvcc.edu |
Julie Combs | Emerging Technologies Librarian | 703.450.2641 | jcombs@nvcc.edu |
Michael English | Instruction & Reference Services Librarian | 703.948.7593 | menglish@nvcc.edu |
Stephanie Hicks | Evening Circulation Specialist (part-time) | 703.450.2567 | shicks@nvcc.edu |
Barbie Keiser | Librarian (part-time) | 703.450.2661 | bkeiser@nvcc.edu |
Anne Lilly | Interlibrary Loan & Circulation Specialist | 703.948.7595 | alilly@nvcc.edu |
Maddie Quick | Collection Development Librarian | 703.450.2642 | mquick@nvcc.edu |
Eliza Selander | Librarian (part-time) | 703.450.2661 | eselander@nvcc.edu |
Spring Semester (January 21 - May 12, 2025)
Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 7:00pm
Friday: 8:30am - 12:30pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed
Spring Break (March 17 - March 21)
Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Friday: 8:30am - 12:30pm
Emergency Closings
If NOVA is closed (e.g., for inclement weather) the library will also be closed; check the College website for alerts
Contact Us
Schedule an Appointment
Study Spaces
The library provides several types of study space, including soft seating, tables, study carrels, and group study rooms.
Colgan Hall (MC), Room 129
10950 Campus Drive
Manassas, VA 20109
Library Bookdrop
You may return library books in the library bookdrop located in the breezeway between Howsmon Hall and Colgan Hall.
Please note: The bookdrop is for NOVA Libraries items only. Please do not place textbook rentals in the bookdrop. Textbook rentals must be returned to the Bookstore, which is located on the first floor of Parrish Hall. The Bookstore staff have informed us that they are unable to process returned textbook rentals if they only have the textbook itself. So, even if library staff take textbook rentals (that have been returned to the library) to the Bookstore, the Bookstore staff will be unable to process them. This means that you won't get any money back. For more information, please see the Bookstore website. Thank you for your cooperation.
Faculty and Staff
Name | Title | Phone | |
Liz Leon | Collection Development Librarian | 703.257.6639 | ileon@nvcc.edu |
Nathan Mueller | Technology Librarian | 703.257.6564 | nmueller@nvcc.edu |
Emily Wells | Instruction Librarian | 703.530.3531 | ejwells@nvcc.edu |
Kenitra Childress | Circulation, Reserves, Intercampus Loans (ICLs), and Interlibrary Loans (ILLs) Specialist | 703.530.3019 | kchildress@nvcc.edu |
Madison Hughes | Library Assistant (part time) | mhughes@nvcc.edu | |
Catherine (Alex) O'Connor | Library Assistant (part time) | coconnor@nvcc.edu |
Spring Semester (January 21 - May 12, 2025)
Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 7:00pm
Friday: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed
Spring Break (March 17 - March 21)
Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Friday: 8:30am - 3:00pm
Emergency Closings
If NOVA is closed (e.g., for inclement weather) the library will also be closed; check the College website for alerts.
Contact Us
Schedule an Appointment
6699 Springfield Center Dr, Room 341
Springfield, VA 22150
When the library is closed, you may return materials in the book drop located to the left of the library entrance.
Study Spaces
The library offers numerous options for study spaces, including open study areas, private study carrels, and group/quiet study rooms.
Group Study Rooms: 341A and 341B
Quiet Study Rooms: 341F
Instruction Lab: 341H (available when not otherwise reserved)
Faculty and Staff
Name | Title | Phone | |
Diane Kearney | Lead Medical Librarian | 703.822.6681 | dkearney@nvcc.edu |
Kirsten Mentzer | Instruction & Technology Librarian | 703.822.9052 | kmentzer@nvcc.edu |
Andrea Jensen | Collection Management Specialist / Interlibrary Loan | 703.822.6683 | ajensen@nvcc.edu |
Vacant | Technology & Research Specialist |
Library assistance for NOVA Online is provided remotely.
Please use Ask a Librarian 24/7 chat or email online-library@nvcc.edu.
Spring Semester (January 21 - May 12, 2025)
Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 7:00pm
Friday: 8:30am - 12:30pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed
Spring Break (March 17 - March 21)
Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Friday: 8:30am - 12:30pm
Emergency Closings
If NOVA is closed (e.g., for inclement weather) the library will also be closed; check the College website for alerts.
Contact Us
Schedule an Appointment
Arts and Science (WAS) 230
2635 College Drive
Woodbridge, VA 22191
When the library is closed, you may return materials in the book return to the left of the library entrance.
The library is located on the 2nd floor of the WAS building near the lakeside elevators.
Study Spaces
Video Tour
Group Study Rooms
Quiet Study Room: WAS 230T
Study tables with outlets
Digital Media Lab: WAS 230I
Library classroom: WAS 230K. Computers available to students when not in use for library instruction.
Faculty and Staff
Name | Title | Phone | |
Anne Beebe | Reference & Instruction Librarian (part-time) | 703.878.6103 | abeebe@nvcc.edu |
Kerry Cotter | Reference & Instruction Librarian | 703.878.5785 | kcotter@nvcc.edu |
Russell Grooms | Reference & Instruction Librarian | 703.878.6104 | rgrooms@nvcc.edu |
Stephanie Sharkey | Circulation Specialist | 703.878.5733 | ssharkey@nvcc.edu |
Karen Williams | Circulation & Reserves Specialist | 703.878.5733 | kmwilliams@nvcc.edu |
Roxx Young | Collection Development Librarian | 703.878.4566 | ryoung@nvcc.edu |
Library Administration
Name | Title | Phone | |
Matt Todd | Dean of Libraries | 703.845.6033 | mtodd@nvcc.edu |
Kimberly Gross | Office Manager | 703.845.6232 | kgross@nvcc.edu |
Name | Title | |
Dana Roggenbaum | Coordinator, Library Technical Services | droggenbaum@nvcc.edu |
Vicki Graves | Library Specialist, Cataloging | vjgraves@nvcc.edu |
Jim Harold | Library Specialist, Cataloging | jharold@nvcc.edu |
Patricia Peña | Acquisitions Manager | ppena@nvcc.edu |
Steve Roane | Electronic Resources Librarian | rroane@nvcc.edu |
Marlene Smith | Technical Services Office Assistant | masmith@nvcc.edu |
Megan Wade | Head of Cataloging | mwade@nvcc.edu |
Tim Wolf | Fiscal Technician II | twolf@nvcc.edu |