Hours, Locations, Staff

Campus Libraries

Spring Semester (January 21 - May 12, 2025)

Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 7:00pm
Friday: 8:30am - 12:30pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed

Emergency Closings

If NOVA is closed (e.g., for inclement weather) the library will also be closed; check the College website for alerts.

Contact Us

703.845.6231 (Circulation Desk)
703.845.6456 (Research Help Desk)
Schedule an Appointment


Bisdorf Building (AA) 232
5000 Dawes Ave
Alexandria, VA 22311

When the library is closed, you may return materials in the bookdrop at the front entrance of the Bisdorf Building (by the flagpoles).

The library is located on the 2nd floor of the AA building directly inside the building's main entrance.

Study Spaces

The library offers numerous options for study spaces, including open study areas, private study carrels, and group/quiet study rooms.

Group Study Rooms

Quiet Study Spaces: Area behind the bookshelves on main level and two rooms on 2nd level

Faculty and Staff

Name Title Phone Email
Annemarie Anderson Instructional Services Librarian 703.845.6025 aanderson@nvcc.edu
Abby Bricker Public Services & Technology Librarian 703.845.6031 abricker@nvcc.edu
Nadia Mobley Circulation Specialist 703.845.6032 nmobley@nvcc.edu
Kevin O’Hagan  Circulation, Reserves & Interlibrary Loan Specialist 703.845.6356 kohagan@nvcc.edu
Femila Riguera Circulation & Collections Specialist
(Part-Time, evenings)
703.845.6028 friguera@nvcc.edu
Alexis Waide Collection Development Librarian/Lead Librarian 703.933.5066 awaide@nvcc.edu
Vacant  Reference, Outreach, & Acquisitions Specialist    


Loudoun Campus Library Course Reserves

Spring Semester (January 21 - May 12, 2025)

Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 7:00pm
Friday: 8:30am - 12:30pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed

Emergency Closings

If NOVA is closed (e.g., for inclement weather) the library will also be closed; check the College website for alerts.

Contact Us

Schedule an Appointment


Learning Commons (LC), Room 300
21200 Campus Drive
Sterling, VA 20164–8699

When the library is closed, you may return materials in the book drop at the entrance to the LC (Learning Commons) building.

Study Spaces

The library offers study space options, including open study areas, private study carrels, and group/quiet study rooms. 

Group Study Rooms: LC 302D and LC 302E
Quiet Study Room:  LC 302C

Faculty and Staff

Name Title Phone Email
McKenna Brady Circulation & Reserves Specialist 703.948.5738 mebrady@nvcc.edu
Julie Combs Emerging Technologies Librarian 703.450.2641 jcombs@nvcc.edu
Michael English Instruction & Reference Services Librarian 703.948.7593 menglish@nvcc.edu
Stephanie Hicks Evening Circulation Specialist (part-time) 703.450.2567 shicks@nvcc.edu
Barbie Keiser Librarian (part-time) 703.450.2661 bkeiser@nvcc.edu
Anne Lilly Interlibrary Loan & Circulation Specialist 703.948.7595 alilly@nvcc.edu
Maddie Quick Collection Development Librarian 703.450.2642 mquick@nvcc.edu
Eliza Selander Librarian (part-time) 703.450.2661 eselander@nvcc.edu





Library Administration

Name Title Phone Email
Matt Todd Dean of Libraries 703.845.6033 mtodd@nvcc.edu
Kimberly Gross Office Manager 703.845.6232 kgross@nvcc.edu


Name Title Email
Dana Roggenbaum Coordinator, Library Technical Services droggenbaum@nvcc.edu
Vicki Graves Library Specialist, Cataloging vjgraves@nvcc.edu
Jim Harold Library Specialist, Cataloging jharold@nvcc.edu
Patricia Peña Acquisitions Manager ppena@nvcc.edu
Steve Roane Electronic Resources Librarian rroane@nvcc.edu
Marlene Smith Technical Services Office Assistant masmith@nvcc.edu
Megan Wade Head of Cataloging mwade@nvcc.edu
Tim Wolf Fiscal Technician II twolf@nvcc.edu