Advising Tutorials

We encourage you and your academic advisor to use Self-Service as a method for gathering information quickly and accurately to update records and investigate options to complete degree requirements.

You should run an Advisement Report prior to meeting with your advisor and know your requirements, both satisfied and not satisfied. You can verify that a course substitution has been completed or monitor your progress towards completion of degree requirements.

  1. Log in to myNOVA and click SIS: Student Information Center.
  2. Click on My Student Information.
  3. Click on My Academics.
  4. Click on View my advisement report.
  5. The interactive advising report will appear. The Advisement Report will display college catalog requirements for each degree or certificate plan in which you are placed according to catalog year. To explain each section of this report, click the expand all button. Scroll through the report to find a requirement that is not satisfied, and select a course from the course grid that will satisfy the requirement.
  6. Check in the When column to see when the course is typically offered. For example, click on one of the courses in the course grid – ENG 112.
  7. Click on the campus row to find information about the class and when the class may be scheduled at that campus for a specific term. The next page provides Course Detail information such as units (credits), grading basis, a description, and prerequisites, if any exist. Click on the view class sections link.
  8. Be sure to select the TERM for which information is requested. (This will not necessarily default to the term you wish to enroll.) Use the drop-down arrow to choose the term and then click Show Sections to find courses offered for the selected term. Class section information is displayed, including multiple sections if available. Confirm the Open status and click the section link for further information on an open class section. Example: 001W-LEC (14236)
    NOTE: If you select a term for which enrollment is not yet available, the following message will appear: You are not eligible to enroll in ... at this time. However, you can still add this course to your planner and shopping cart.
  9. More information regarding the class section is displayed, including meeting information, class availability, and a course description. Click on Return to My Academic Requirements to return to the previous page.
  10. Courses you have completed and met a requirement will show as Taken in the Status column on the report.
  11. Courses you are currently enrolled in but have not yet earned a final grade will show as In Progress in the Status column on the report.
  12. To print the Advisement Report, click on View Report.

Once you place courses in your Planner, you can perform various tasks, including viewing your PLAN report, moving planned courses from one term to another, deleting courses from the Planner, and adding courses to the Planner from the course catalog or the PLAN report.

    1. Log in to myNOVA and click SIS: Student Information Center.
    2. Click My Student Information.
    3. In the left dropdown of Academic Planning, click My Planner.
    4. The My Planner page will appear, displaying courses in your Planner. Courses added to the Planner fall under Unassigned Courses.
      • Delete courses by clicking the garbage can icon in the Delete column or the Delete All button.
      • View prerequisites by clicking yes in the Prereq column.
      • Click the information symbol in the Req column for further details on where a course may fit in your degree requirements.
    5. Courses added to the Planner from Plan By My Requirements have an information symbol in the Req column, while courses from the Course Catalog do not.
    6. To assign a course to a specific term, select it by checking the box in the Select column, choose a term from the dropdown, and click move.
    7. The course now appears in the grid for the selected term and is removed from the Unassigned section.

Courses can also be added to the Planner directly from the Course Catalog.

  1. To add a course from the catalog, click Browse Course Catalog.
  2. Select a course by clicking the appropriate alpha or numeric area for the course prefix.
  3. A list of course prefixes beginning with your selected letter will appear. Choose the desired area (e.g., ACC - Accounting) by clicking on it.
  4. A list of all Accounting courses will display. In the Select column, check a course to move it to the Planner. For courses with multiple offerings, click the Course Title and select the campus.
  5. Click Add to Planner. A confirmation message will appear, indicating the course was added. Add more courses if desired.
  6. Click My Planner at the top to return. Confirm that the new course appears in the Unassigned Courses section.
    • Courses from Browse Course Catalog do not have an information symbol in the Req column.
    • Courses from Plan By My Requirements do have this symbol.
  7. To check how planned courses meet requirements, click Plan By My Requirements at the top.
  8. The Planner report will appear. Click Expand All to see courses with a blue star in the Status column that satisfy requirements. Courses in the Unassigned category can still fulfill requirements.
  9. To print your planner report, click view report as PDF.
  10. Return to the Planner by clicking Plan tab or My Planner.

Once you place courses in your Planner, you can move the courses directly to the Shopping Cart and then to enrollment. The timing of these steps is controlled by the dates set for the opening of the shopping cart and enrollment period for each term/semester, each student’s individual appointment time and eligibility for enrollment. (You can also enter courses directly into the Shopping Cart for enrollment and bypass using the Planner by going to My Student Information and Enroll.)

Navigation: My Student Information, Academic Planning, Enrollment Shopping Cart

  1. Select the term for which the shopping cart will be used. Click on the Continue button.
  2. To move courses from the Planner to the Shopping Cart, click the My Planner button and then Search. If you are already registered for classes during the term you are searching in the shopping cart, your classes will be listed under My Year/Term Class Schedule.
  3. The Shopping Cart will appear on the screen, and courses in My Planner will appear if available for the upcoming term. To move a course in any term (Example: 2024 Spring) into the Shopping Cart, click the Select button on the right side of the grid.
  4. Confirm that the course and section are correct and that the course is Open, and click the Select button on the right.
  5. If a permission number is required, it can be entered here. If the class is Closed, a student can check the Wait list if class is full box. Click Next to move the course to the Shopping Cart and start enrollment.
  6. Select the class by checking the box. Then click on the enroll button on the right-hand side of the page.
    NOTE: A class number can be entered to add a class to the Cart.
  7. Confirm the class is correct. Then click on Finish Enrolling.
  8. A green check indicates that the enrollment is successful and the class is added to the schedule. Click on Add Another Class to continue enrollment.
  9. If the enrollment period is not open, the enrollment will not be processed.
  10. A red x indicates that the enrollment was not successful. A message will explain.

  1. Log into myNOVA
  2. Click EAB Navigate Student – NOVA
  3. You will be taken to your home profile page
  4. Find Your Success Team on the right side of the page
  5. Your Pathway Advising Team is listed there
  6. You can also Schedule an Appointment from there

View this document on Navigate Student for more information.

You must log in My Student Information to use the interactive advising reports in planning and enrollment. Your advisor can also view your interactive advising report and a form of the interactive planner report using their Advisor Center.

  1. Log in to myNOVA and click SIS: Student Information Center
  2. Click My Student Information
  3. On the left dropdown of Academic Planning, click My Planner.
  4. Click on Plan.
  5. Click on Plan by My Requirements.
  6. The interactive advising report will appear.
    Scroll through the report to find a requirement that is not satisfied and select a course from the course grid that will satisfy the requirement OR click on the expand all button to see all requirements and the status of each.
  7. Check in the When column to see when the course is typically offered.
  8. Click on one of the courses in the course grid – ENG 112, for example. Most courses have the option to view multiple offerings since many classes are offered at more than one campus at NOVA.
  9. Click on the campus row to find information about the class and when the class may be scheduled at that campus for a specific term. The next page, which appears, provides Course Detail information such as units (credits), grading basis, a description and prerequisites, if any exist.
  10. Click on the view class sections link.
  11. Be sure to select the TERM for which information is requested. (This will not necessarily default to the term you wish to enroll.) Use the drop-down arrow to select the term and then click Show Sections to find courses offered for the term selected.
    Class section information is displayed, including multiple sections if available.
  12. Confirm the Open status and click the section link for further information on an open class section. Example: 001W-LEC (14236)

    NOTE: If you select a term for which enrollment is not yet available, the following message will appear: You are not eligible to enroll in .... at this time.

    However, you can still add this course to your Planner.
    More information regarding the class section is displayed, including meeting information, class availability, and a course description.
  13. To move the selected course into your Planner, click Add to Planner.
  14. Click Return to Select Course Offering and then Return to Plan by My Requirements, and repeat the process until all the desired courses are added to the Planner.
  15. Courses remain in the Planner until you select them for enrollment. If you decide not to enroll in a course in the Planner, you should delete it. You are responsible for maintaining the courses in your Planner. This will assist you and your advisor in accurately projecting your degree requirements' completion.
  16. Courses that have been placed in your Planner will appear with a blue star in the Status column.
  17. You may print your planner report by clicking view report as. PDF.