Clery Act Resources

About the Clery Act

Campus safety is a vital concern to NOVA. In 1990, Congress enacted the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990 (Title II of Public Law 101-542), which amended the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA). This act requires all postsecondary institutions participating in HEA’s Title IV student financial assistance programs to disclose campus crime statistics and security information. The act was amended in 1992, 1998 and 2000. The 1998 amendments renamed the law the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act in memory of a student who was slain in her dorm room in 1986. It is generally referred to as the Clery Act.

On August 14, 2008, the Higher Education Opportunity Act or HEOA (Public Law 110-315) reauthorized and expanded the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. HEOA amended the Clery Act and created additional safety-and security-related requirements for institutions. NOVA police and the Office of Emergency Preparedness work together to ensure compliance of the Clery Act for the safety of NOVA’s students, faculty and staff and community.

If you have any questions or comments concerning Clery Act, please email

Available Clery Act Resources

Report a Crime Icon
Report a Crime

Learn how to report crimes or suspicious activities occurring on or near campus.

Crime Alert Icon
Crime Alert

Stay informed about timely warnings for crimes reported on campus that pose a serious threat.

Daily Crime Log Icon
Daily Crime Log

Access NOVA Police's daily crime log, detailing reported incidents and their dispositions.

Annual Security Report Icon
Annual Security Report

Review annual crime statistics and safety policies at NOVA in the comprehensive security report.

Reportable Crimes Icon
Reportable Crimes

Learn about Clery Act reportable crimes to maintain campus safety and compliance.