NVCC Fall 2004 Class Schedule




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Weekend courses/programs leading to certificates and degrees are offered at all campuses. They provide students additional opportunities to pursue their education. Students may accelerate work toward a degree or seek professional enrichment and growth in a time frame conducive to their professional and personal lives. Intensive classroom experience combined with independent study provides an in-depth and meaningful educational experience.

Parking regulations are in effect on all campuses at all times. Students enrolling in weekend courses must either purchase parking permits or park at pay meters or in hourly pay lots. Students should also be aware that the “last day for tuition refund” date is different for weekend offerings than they are for traditional weekday courses.

Alexandria Campus Weekend Course Offerings
The Alexandria Campus offers weekend courses in high-demand subjects and in both standard and concentrated time frames. Please see the course listings within the specific subject area for details on days and times.

Annandale Campus Weekend Course Offerings
Annandale Campus has a Weekend College Degree Program in which a student can complete a degree in Business Administration or Liberal Arts by attending classes Friday evenings, Saturdays, and Sunday afternoons. No special registration is required for these courses. Check the schedule for individual classes designated as WEEKEND COLLEGE DEGREE CLASS. See Annandale’s course offerings listed below. Call 703-323-3091 or 703-323-3157 for further information and a brochure or visit the Annandale Web site at www.nvcc.edu/annandale/.

FRIDAYS (See course listings for specific information.)

Course & Sec.



ENG 111

College Composition I


ENG 241

Survey of American Literature


IST 251

Computer Information Development


SPA 201

Intermediate Spanish



Course & Sec.



ACC 211-48N

Principles of Accounting I


BIO 101-48N

General Biology I


ECO 201-48N

Principles of Economics I-Macro


HIS 121-48N

United States History I


MTH 163-48N

Precalculus I


PSY 201-48N

Introduction to Psychology


SPA 101-48N

Beginning Spanish I



Course & Sec.



MTH 151-49N

Mathematics for Liberal Arts


MTH 241-49N

Statistics I


STD 100



Weekend Express Classes. Annandale Campus offers Weekend Express classes in which you can complete a semester course in four weekends by attending either (1) Friday nights and Saturdays or (2) Saturdays and Sundays. Tuition and fees are the same as the other courses. All Weekend Express courses have a 97N or 98N section number. Immediately after registering for one or more of these sections, you should stop by the division office to obtain the assignment for the first Weekend Express class meeting. Additionally, you must report to the first class with your textbooks.

Friday/Saturday Weekend Express Classes: These courses will be offered Fridays 6:00PM-9:40PM and Saturdays 9:00AM-4:00PM. Registration closes on September 10 for Session I and October 22 for Session II.

Session I: (Friday-Saturday) Sept. 10-11, 17-18 and Oct. 1-2, 8-9
Session II: (Friday-Saturday) Oct. 22-23, 29-30 and Nov. 12-13, 19-20

Saturday/Sunday Weekend Express Classes: These courses will be offered Saturdays 8:00AM-1:20PM and Sundays 1:00PM-6:20PM. Registration closes on September 10 for Session I and October 22 for Session II.

Session I: (Saturday-Sunday) Sept. 11-12, 18-19 and Oct. 2-3, 9-10
Session II: (Saturday-Sunday) Oct. 23-24, 30-31 and Nov. 13-14 and 20-21

Loudoun Campus Weekend Course Offerings
Loudoun Campus offers many classes in the weekend format. The courses are listed in the Loudoun section of this schedule.

Manassas Campus Weekend Course Offerings
Manassas Campus offers many classes in the weekend format. The courses are listed in the Manassas section of this schedule.

Woodbridge Campus Weekend Course Offerings
The Weekend College at Woodbridge offers high demand courses that meet degree requirements. These courses meet on Fridays, Saturdays, or on Saturday/Sunday combinations of 8- and 16-week sections. The fall 2004 weekend classes are listed below. For course times and locations, check the Woodbridge campus course listing section. Weekend classes will start August 28, 2004.



ACC 211

HUM 202

AIR 195

ITE 107

ART 122

ITE 115

BUS 100

ITE 115

CSC 100

ITE 126

ENG 111

MUS 121

FRE 101

PED 116

FRE 102

PED 123

FRE 201

PED 183

FRE 202

PHT 101

GER 101

PHT 101

GER 102

PHT 105

HIS 121

PHT 270

HLT 105

SPA 201

HTL 180

SPA 202

HUM 201



Northern Virginia Community College ©2004
This page was last updated on June 16, 2004 1:14 PM
Comments/Questions: webmaster@nvcc.edu