Northern Virginia Community College

Spring 1996 Class Schedule

EXTENDED LEARNING INSTITUTE (Home Study and Telecourses)

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The Extended Learning Institute (ELI) is designed to offer courses to students who find it necessary or more convenient to study outside the classroom environment. ELI course offerings are listed on later pages in this schedule. Required on-campus visits are limited. There are few, if any, classes to attend (special requirements are given in the course listings section). Students usually visit a campus to buy textbooks, use the Learning Resource Center, use the computer labs, and take exams. Regular NVCC faculty teach each course, grade assignments and work with students. Instructors are usually available by phone several days each week. Many may be called at home. The home study process consists of five basic steps:

  1. Study course materials at home on your own following the sequence of study provided in the Course Guide. There are no classmates or classroom give-and-take to help you review content or pace your studies.
  2. If you are a first-time ELI student, attend ELI Orientation (see below for dates and times).
  3. Send in assignments for grading. Contact your instructor for assistance.
  4. Receive grades and comments from your instructor. These are sent through the mail, and turnaround time is usually within two weeks.
  5. Take exams at any on-campus Learning Lab.
Many ELI courses have audiovisual components. Some have television programs you can view at home. Other courses may require listening to audiotapes, viewing videotapes or working on a computer. Details on any special media or computer requirements can be found in the course listings section.

ELI courses allow you 16 weeks to complete all assignments, but you may finish any time within those time periods. There are some assignment deadlines, just as in on-campus courses. If you do not remain active in the course by meeting these minimum requirements, your instructor may drop you from the course.

Exams are taken on campus in a Learning Lab. You can schedule these for any time the lab is open. Typically, there are four exams in a course. In a few limited situations, a proctor from outside the College may be permitted to give you the exams.

How to Register

ELI Registration Information (703) 323-3368

ELI Office Hours 8:30AM - 5:00PM, Monday - Friday (After regular office hours, you can leave a recorded message.)

You may register for ELI courses by registering through campus registration procedures, including telephone registration by NOVAnet, the same as for any NVCC course.

If you are interested only in ELI courses, you can register directly through ELI by mail, in person, or NOVAnet during scheduled times. ELI cannot accept registrations for campus classroom courses. (NOTE: If your address has changed since the last time you used NOVAnet, please contact the ELI office.)

Registration for most ELI courses is continuous throughout the year. However, when course capacity limits are reached, ELI sections are closed to further registration. In most cases, you start your course as soon as you register. See the Broadcast Schedule listed later for information on cable and public TV schedules, the availability of campus Learning Resource Center VCRs, and videotape rentals. If you register after the broadcasts of your course have begun, you need to view all missed programs in a campus LRC or on rented videotapes. If the "Overnight VCR Taping" programs have not shown, you may be able to get them from overnight VCR taping on some cable TV systems (see Broadcast Schedule).

Registration Procedure

If you are a new student, complete the Application for Admission form, the Application for Virginia In-State Tuition Rates form, the Registration Worksheet, and the Tuition Payment Sheet. All of these forms are included in the back of this schedule. Tuition may be paid by check, money order, VISA, MasterCard, or agency contract. Mail the completed forms and your tuition to:

                        Extended Learning Institute
                        Attention: Registration
                        Northern Virginia Community College
                        8333 Little River Turnpike
                        Annandale, Virginia  22003-3796
If you have ever been enrolled in credit courses at NVCC, simply fill out the Registration Worksheet and the Tuition Payment Sheet that are included in the back of this schedule and return these forms with your tuition. Tuition may be paid by check, money order, VISA, MasterCard, or agency contract. During the dates shown in this schedule, you may use NOVAnet Telephone Registration for ELI courses (note: index numbers for ELI courses appear in the campus course listings). You may also register for ELI courses when you register on campus.

ELI Orientation

If you are a first-time ELI student, you are required to participate in an on-campus or home-video Orientation after you register. Plan to attend on January 19 from 7-8:30 PM at the Richard J. Ernst Community Cultural Center forum at the Annandale Campus. More information will be provided with your course materials.

Course Length

ELI courses are 16 weeks long. Students who are making satisfactory progress may be given additional time. See the ELI Course Guide or Syllabus for details.

Special Information for All Students

When registering for courses that are part of a sequence, e.g., ENG 111 and ENG 112, sign up for only one course in the sequence at a time unless otherwise noted.

If you have received a failing grade in an ELI section, you may not re-enroll in the same ELI section without the permission of the instructor.

If you wish to take 12 or more credits simultaneously through ELI, you must obtain permission from the Associate Dean for Instructional Technologies and Extended Learning. Call 323-3368 for information.

Special Information for Veterans and Other Financial Aid Recipients

If you are a veteran enrolling in independent study courses (ELI), your benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs will not be certified or reported until the end of the term. The independent study course must be satisfactorily completed before you apply for benefits. If you have any questions concerning this notice of delay, please call your nearest Veterans Affairs Office.

Most ELI courses can be used to determine eligibility for financial aid or loan deferments. Contact your campus Financial Aid Office for additional information.

Auditing an ELI Course

You may audit ELI courses rather than taking them for credit. By auditing the course, you may submit assignments and take exams and you will receive feedback from your instructor. However, you will not be required to do any written assignments and you will not receive credit. The final grade earned will not appear on your official College transcript. The regular tuition rate is charged for each course.

Course Materials

A Syllabus or Course Guide with complete information on what textbooks to buy, assignments, exams and course procedures will usually be mailed within a week after you have registered. If you have not received it within 3 weeks, contact ELI immediately at 323- 3368. After 4 weeks, ELI will assume you have received your Syllabus or Course Guide. Once you receive it, you may purchase your texts at a campus bookstore or by mail. Note: When you receive a Syllabus for the course, you will need to purchase your Course Guide in the campus bookstore.

Refund Period

Requests for refunds must be made in writing to ELI and postmarked within the time period specified by the College. Details are provided in the materials sent to you. These deadlines may occur before the published add/drop period for on-campus courses.

Dropping an ELI Course

You may withdraw from the course without grade penalty any time during the time period specified by the College by writing to ELI. Complete details are included in the Course Guide sent to you.

New Home Study Courses for Science, Mathematics and Engineering Majors:

ELI is developing all of the courses required for an associates degree in
engineering. The following courses will be offered in Spring '96:
      CHM 111     --    College Chemistry I
      EGR 120     --    Introduction to Engineering
      EGR 126     --    Computer Programming for Engineers
      MTH 173     --    Calculus with Analytic Geometry I
      MTH 174     --    Calculus with Analytic Geometry II
      PHY 241     --    University Physics I
These courses can be applied toward mathematics, science and engineering associate degrees and used as transfer credits for mathematics, science and engineering degree programs at four-year colleges and universities.

Technology required: a videotape player is strongly recommended to view videotapes; you can also view these tapes at campus LRCs or on selected cable TV channels. Computer conferencing allows you to communicate with faculty and other students with 24-hour "electronic office hours." Computer conferencing is required for these courses. Computers are available at campus computer labs, or you can use your own home computer. The following minimum configuration is required: IBM compatible with Windows 3.1 or later, 3.5 MB of hard disk space, and 4MB of memory; or Macintosh with System Software 6.0.3 or later, 2.5 MB of hard disk space, and 600 K of free memory after starting system; 1200 baud modem for all computers. Modem loan: A limited number of 14.4K baud modems will be available for loan; call ELI for details. If you have problems with your access to computers, call ELI to discuss other options.

College Chemistry I, University Physics I, and Computer Programming for Engineering also include laboratory work. College Chemistry I and Physics laboratory work is completed at home and on the Annandale Campus; Engineering course laboratory work is completed via computer on-line. Homework help from faculty and student tutors will be available by computer and telephone voice mail.

Register for Section 92 of the course, using the same procedure as for other ELI courses; see the previous section for details. For more information, call ELI at (703) 323-3368.


  1. ELI courses take as much or more time and effort as comparable classroom-based courses.
  2. ELI courses usually require more reading and more written assignments.
  3. ELI courses usually require 4 supervised exams.
  4. ELI courses have assignment deadlines that you must meet.
  5. Some ELI courses require on-campus work.
  6. ELI courses must be completed in 16 weeks.
  7. ELI courses require you to start working on the assignments as soon as you receive your course materials.
If you have trouble reading, or if your schedule does not permit regular work on a course, ELI may not be for you.


Last revised: Monday, May-18-2015 11:08
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