College Catalog Programs of Study 2018-2019

Business Information Technology

Career Studies Certificate

Offered through AL, AN, LO, ELI, MA, WO


CIP Code: 52.0299


Purpose:  The curriculum is designed to teach the foundations of business information technology and the first award for persons who intend to pursue certificate and/or associate degree programs in business-related fields. The courses in this career studies program provide foundations in basic business practices that can be applied to a variety of certificate and degree programs.

One Semester Credits
1st Semester
BUS 100 Introduction to Business or 3
  BUS  204  Project Management  
__ BUS or IT Elective 3
1ENG/CST Elective 3
2ITE 115 Intro to Computer Applications and Concepts 3
3__ Social Science Elective or 3
  BUS  201  Organizational Behavior  
SDV 100 College Success Skills 1
Total   16

Total credits for the Business Information Technology Career Studies Certificate=16

1 The ENG/CST requirement may be met by ENG 111 or other ENG courses approved by the student’s advisor, or by CST 100, CST 110, CST 115, CST 126, CST 227 or CST 229.

2 May substitute BUS 226.

3 See social/behavioral science courses listed under General Education Electives.