College Catalog Programs of Study 2018-2019

Political Science Specialization

Associate of Science Degree

Offered through AL, LO


CIP Code: 45.0101


Purpose:  This program is designed for individuals who plan to transfer to a four-year college or university to complete a baccalaureate degree. Graduates will have the knowledge, skills, and abilities equivalent with students entering the junior level at four-year colleges and universities.

Transfer Information: This program provides transfer paths that include the general education courses and introductory major courses that students typically take during the first two years at a four-year college or university when they are majoring in a social science. Because senior institutions differ in their requirements, students are strongly urged to work with their assigned advisor or a counselor and to acquaint themselves with the requirements of the major department in the college or university to which they plan to transfer. The responsibility for proper course selection rests with the student.

Two Years Credits
1st Semester
ENG 111 College Composition I 3
1HIS Elective 3
2MTH 154 Quantitative Reasoning or higher-level Mathematics course 3
PLS 120 Intro to Political Science 3
SDV 100 College Success Skills or SDV 101 1
3PLS 135 American National Politics or 3
  PLS  241  International Relations I  
Total   16
2nd Semester
4ENG 112 College Composition II 3
ITE 115 Intro to Computer Applications & Concepts 3
2MTH 245 Statistics or higher-level Mathematics course 3
5___ Physical or Life Science Elective w/Lab 4
3PLS 136 State and Local Politics 3
Total   16
3rd Semester
6CST 110 Introduction to Speech Communication 3
7___ Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 3
6___ Physical or Life Science Elective w/Lab 4
8PLS Elective 3
9SOC Elective 3
Total   16
4th Semester
10___ General Education Elective 3
7___ Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 3
8PLS Elective 3
11___ Social Science Elective 3
Total   12

Total credits for the Political Science Specialization=60

1 HIS 101, HIS 102 or HIS 112 is recommended. Other HIS courses may be chosen from the list of approved general education courses.

2 Many universities require MTH 154 or higher while others require MTH 161 or MTH 162 or higher, often including a statistics course for majors in the social sciences. It is, therefore, important that students confer with a counselor to determine the appropriate mathematics courses for their intended transfer university. Credit will not be awarded for both MTH 261 and MTH 263. Credit will not be awarded for both MTH 262 and MTH 264.

3 Students who take PLS 135 must also take PLS 136. Students who take PLS 241 must also choose from one of the following courses: PLS 140, PLS 200, PLS 242, PLS 250, PLS 255, or SSC 115.

4 ENG 125 is a preferred course if transferring to George Mason University. Students considering transfer should consult an academic advisor to select the appropriate course.

5 See biology, chemistry, ENV 121–122, physics, geology, or natural science courses with a lab component, listed under General Education Electives. Some four-year colleges require a two-semester sequence.

6 Select from the following: CST 100, CST 126, or CST 229.

7 See humanities/fine arts courses listed under General Education Electives. Electives should be selected with advice of a counselor or academic advisor to meet requirements of the transfer institution. Students who plan to transfer into a B.A. program should take intermediate-level foreign language to fulfill these electives.

8 PLS electives include any of the following: PLS 135, PLS 136, PLS 140, PLS 200, PLS 211, PLS 212, PLS 220, PLS 225, PLS 230, PLS 241, PLS 242, PLS 250, PLS 255, and SSC 115.

9 SOC 200, SOC 211, or SOC 212 is recommended to meet the sociology requirement at many universities.

10 See any of the courses listed under General Education Electives.

11 See social/behavioral science courses listed under General Education Electives. To meet requirements at many universities, students should enroll in at least one U.S. History course and one Western civilization course. Students should consult with a counselor to determine the appropriate social science courses for their intended transfer university.