1 Students completing the A.A. in Liberal Arts must demonstrate intermediate college-level (201–202) proficiency in a language other than English. The 201–202 courses require a prerequisite proficiency equivalent to the 101–102 sequence in the language. Depending on the foreign language chosen for study, credits will vary in the Beginning levels between 3-5 credits and in the Intermediate levels between 3-4 credits.
Placement testing determines initial foreign language level. Students who place directly into intermediate level foreign language or ASL may take any transfer-oriented course to meet the credit requirement. Students completing the equivalent of the 101-102 sequence in foreign language may use those credits to meet General Education Elective requirements.
Waivers or credit by exam for previous experience is available for some languages, please check the credit for prior learning manual . Students whose native language is not English may substitute General Education Electives for foreign language upon the approval of the advising academic dean.
2 May substitute any higher-level mathematics course. See transfer requirements. Credit will not be awarded for both MTH 261 and MTH 263. Credit will not be awarded for both MTH 262 and MTH 264.
3 See biology, chemistry, ENV 121–122, physics, geology, or natural science courses with a lab component, listed under General Education Electives. Some four-year colleges require a two-semester sequence.
4 May substitute ENG 114 or ENG 125.
5 See social/behavioral science courses listed under General Education Electives.
6 Credit will not be awarded for both MTH 261 and MTH 263. Credit will not be awarded for both MTH 262 and MTH 264.
7 Students who are interested in Literature: select from ENG 230, ENG 236, ENG 237, ENG 241, ENG 242, ENG 243, ENG 244, ENG 250, ENG 251, ENG 252, ENG 253, ENG 256, ENG 257, ENG 258, ENG 271 and ENG 279. Students who are interested in Creative Writing: select ENG 211. Students who are interested in Writing and Rhetoric: select ENG 210.
8 See HIS courses listed under social/behavioral sciences under General Education Electives. HIS 101–102 or HIS 121–122 are recommended
9 Students who are interested in Literature: select from ENG 230, 236, 237, 241, 242, 243,244, 250, 251, 252, 253, 256, 257, 258, 270, 271, and 279. Students who are interested in Creative Writing: select ENG 212, ENG 215, ENG 216, ENG 217, ENG 218, ENG 219, ENG 261, or 262. Students who are in Writing and Rhetoric, select from ENG 200, 205, 221, 222 or 280.
10 Any 200-level literature course with an ENG prefix satisfies this requirement.
11 See courses listed under General Education Electives. This General Education elective is not required of students whose World Language 101/102 total 10 credits.
12 See humanities/fine arts courses listed under General Education Electives. Elective should be selected with advice of a counselor or academic advisor to meet requirements of the transfer institution.