College Catalog Programs of Study 2018-2019

Discontinued FA2018

Recreation Programming & Administration

Career Studies Certificate

Offered through AN


CIP Code: 31.0301


Purpose: This program is designed to prepare students who work in the recreation, parks and leisure studies industry to develop leadership, program planning, and management knowledge and skills.

One Year Credits
1st Semester
ENG 111 College Composition I 3
RPK 135 Program Planning 3
RPK 100 Intro to Recreation, Parks, & Leisure Studies 3
RPK 141 Leadership & Supervision 3
RPK 265 Risk Management 3
Total   15
2nd Semester
RPK 146 Recreation Facilities Management & Design 3
RPK 255 Leisure Services for Persons with Disabilities 3
RPK 201 Recreation & Parks Management 3
1RPK Electives 5
Total   14

Total credits for the Recreation Programming and Administration Career Studies Certificate=29

All first time students must take a one-credit Student Development (SDV) course prior to enrolling in their 16th credit at NOVA.

1 Any RPK courses listed in the Catalog are considered approved Recreation electives.