1 Courses may be selected from the following electives with the advice of a counselor or academic advisor according to the requirements of the transfer institution. Students who are interested in Graphic Design, select from ART 116, ART 141, ART 142, and ART 217. Students interested in Fine Arts choose from ART 153, ART 231, ART 241 or ART 271. Students interested in Photography, select from PHT 101, PHT 102, PHT 103, PHT 104, PHT 110, PHT 130, PHT 131, PHT 201, PHT 221, and PHT270.
2 May substitute any higher-level mathematics course. See transfer institution requirements.
3 General Education Electives may be needed for this elective depending on the requirements of the transfer institution. Seek advice of a counselor or academic advisor and consult list of approved General Education Electives.
4 See biology, chemistry, ENV 121-122, physics, geology, or natural science courses with a lab component listed under General Education Electives. Some four-year colleges require a two-semester sequence.
5 See social/behavior science course listed under General Education Electives.
6 CST 100 or CST 110 will fulfill this elective depending on the requirements of the transfer institution. Seek advice of a counselor or academic advisor.