College Catalog Programs of Study 2018-2019


Associate of Science Degree

Offered through AL, AN, ELI, LO, MA, WO


CIP Code: 24.0199


Purpose: This program is a flexible associate degree. For students who plan to transfer, the degree can parallel the first two years of a four-year bachelor of science program if they choose courses that match the transfer institution's requirements. For those students who do not plan to transfer, the degree allows them to structure a program to suit their needs using accumulated credits from a variety of formal and experiential sources.

Transfer Information: Students are advised to work closely with the faculty and counseling staff for program and course scheduling. Electives should be chosen carefully to meet requirements of the transfer institution. The responsibility for proper course selection rests with the student. Students are encouraged to complete the A.S. degree before transferring. Some Virginia colleges and universities exclude General Studies graduates from participating in guaranteed admission programs.

Two Years Credits
1st Semester
ENG 111 College Composition I 3
ITE 115 Intro to Computer Applications & Concepts or 3
  CSC  110  Intro to Computing  
MTH 154 Quantitative Reasoning 3
1___ Physical or Life Science Elective w/Lab 4
SDV 100 College Success Skills or SDV 101 1
Total   14
2nd Semester
2CST Elective 3
3ENG 112 College Composition II 3
4HIS Elective 3
5___ Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 3
1___ Physical or Life Science Elective w/Lab 4
Total   16
3rd Semester
6___ General Elective 3
6___ General Elective 3
6___ General Elective 3
5___ Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 3
7___ Social Science Elective 3
Total   15
4th Semester
6___ General Elective 3
6___ General Elective 3
6___ General Elective 3
6___ General Elective 3
7___ Social Science Elective 3
Total   15

Total credits for the General Studies A.S.=60

1 See biology, chemistry, ENV 121-122, physics, geology, or natural science courses with a lab component, listed under General Education Electives. Some four-year colleges require a two-semester sequence.

2 The CST elective may be selected from the following: CST 100, CST 110, CST 126, or CST 229.

3 ENG 125 is a preferred course if transferring to George Mason University. Students considering transfer should consult an academic advisor to select the appropriate course.

4 The history elective may be selected from the courses listed under social/behavioral Sciences listed under General Education Electives.

5 See humanities/fine arts courses listed under General Education Electives. Elective should be selected with advice of a counselor or faculty advisor to meet requirements of transfer institution.

6 If transfer to another college is planned, the elective courses should be selected based on the requirements of the institution to which transfer is intended.

7 See Social/behavioral sciences courses listed under General Education Electives.