College Catalog Programs of Study 2018-2019


Associate of Applied Science Degree

Offered through ELI, MEC


CIP Code: 43.9999


Purpose: The overall goal of the program is to prepare individuals for entry or advancement in the fire service or a related field by providing them with knowledge of the fire protection profession and giving them the general education necessary to function and advance in one of these professions.

Credit for Prior Learning: Students in this program may be eligible for credit for prior learning. See an academic advisor or counselor for further information.

Transfer Information: Transfer is not the primary purpose of an A.A.S. program, but NOVA has articulation agreements that facilitate the transfer of this and other career-oriented programs to selected senior institutions. Students interested in transfer should contact a counselor or their academic advisor early in their program.

Two Years Credits
1st Semester
ENG 111 College Composition I 3
FST 100 Principles of Emergency Services 3
FST 110 Fire Behavior and Combustion 3
1MTH 154 Quantitative Reasoning 3
PED 116 Life Fitness & Wellness 1
3___ Social Science Elective 3
SDV 101 Orientation to Fire Science 1
Total   17
2nd Semester
4ENG 115 Technical Writing 3
FST 112 Hazardous Materials Chemistry 3
FST 115 Fire Prevention 3
5FST 121 Principles of Fire and Emergency Services Safety and Survival 3
6ITE 115 Intro to Computer Applications and Concepts or Elective 3
3___ Social Science Elective 3
Total   18
3rd Semester
7___ CST/FST Elective 3
FST 210 Legal Aspects of Fire Service 3
8FST 240 Fire Administration 3
9___ Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 3
10___ Physical or Life Science Elective w/Lab 4
Total   16
4th Semester
FST 205 Fire Protection Hydraulics & Water Supply 3
FST 215 Fire Protection Systems 3
FST 220 Building Construction for Fire Protection 3
FST 235 Firefighting Strategy and Tactics 3
FST 245 Fire and Risk Analysis 3
2PED/RPK Elective 1
Total   16

Total credits for the Fire Science Technology A.A.S.=67

1 Students may substitute a higher-level math. Consult an academic advisor to make the appropriate selection.

2 The PED requirement may be met by one of the following options: PED 116, 2 cr.; PED 116, 1 cr. plus a PED activities course, 1 cr.; or PED 116, 1 cr. plus RPK activities course. PED 116 is offered as both a 1-credit and a 2-credit course. Active duty firefighters can substitute other credits to meet the PED requirement based on Credit for Prior Learning Manual.

3 See social/behavioral sciences courses listed under General Education Electives. Fire Science students are encouraged to choose from psychology or sociology.

4 May be substitute ENG 112, ENG 116, ENG 125, ENG 131, or ENG 205.

5 May substitute FST 120 for FST 121.

6 May also select from CSC, GIS, ITE, ITN, ITD, ITP courses, or HIM 130.

7 May choose from CST 100, CST 110 or FST 135.

8 May substitute FST 255 for FST 240.

9 See humanities/fine arts courses listed under General Education Electives.

10 Select from BIO 101, BIO 141, CHM 101, CHM 111, CHM 121, NAS 101, NAS 150, NAS 161, PHY 101, PHY 102, or PHY 201.