College Catalog Programs of Study 2016-2017

Security Management

Career Studies Certificate

Offered through AN, MA, WO

CIP Code: 43.0103


Purpose: This curriculum is intended to meet the educational needs of security personnel who seek formal education and training in physical security and industrial security methods and techniques; experienced practitioners who wish to extend and expand their knowledge and skills; and persons exploring the security field as a career alternative. This certificate is applicable toward the two-year Associate of Applied Science in Administration of Justice.

One Year Credits
1st Semester
ADJ 255 Security Management 3
1ADJ Elective 3
2ENG/CST Elective 3
Total   9
2nd Semester
ADJ 159 Physical Security 3
ADJ 256 Information Security or 3
  ADJ  157  Computer Security  
3 General Elective 1-3
Total   7-9

Total credits for the Security Management Career Studies Certificate=16-18

All first-time students must take a one-credit Student Development (SDV) course prior to enrolling in their 16th credit at NOVA.

1 Select one from the following: ADJ 150, ADJ 228, or ADJ 234.

2 May be met by ENG 111 or other ENG courses approved by student's advisor, or by CST 100, CST 110, CST 115, CST 126, CST 227 or CST 229.

3 Elective must be chosen with advisor approval.