College Catalog Programs of Study 2015-2016

Promotion and Public Relations

Career Studies Certificate


Purpose: This one-year curriculum is designed to offer students already employed in promotion and public relations the opportunity to improve and update their skills allowing for advancement on the job. Interested students will have an opportunity to explore this field as a career and become acquainted with fundamental skills.

Admission Requirements: 

Recommended Preparation:  The student should possess a proficiency in high school English.

One Year Credits
1st Semester
ENG 111 College Composition I 3
ITE 115 Intro to Computer Applications & Concepts 3
MKT 201 Introduction to Marketing 3
SDV 100 College Success Skills 1
Total   10
2nd Semester
ENG 116 Writing for Business or ENG Elective 3
MKT 221 Public Relations 3
MKT 228 Promotion 3
Total   9
Total credits for the Promotion & Public Relations Career Studies Certificate=19