College Catalog Programs of Study 2015-2016


Associate of Applied Science Degree

Offered through MEC

Purpose: The curriculum is designed to prepare students to be effective members of the healthcare team in assisting with diagnosis, treatment, management, and preventive care of patients with cardiopulmonary problems. Upon successful completion of the program, students are eligible to take the entry-level and advanced practitioner examinations leading to certification as a Certified Respiratory Therapist (CRT) and registration as a Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT).

Transfer Information: Transfer is not the primary purpose of an A.A.S. program, but NOVA has articulation agreements that facilitate the transfer of this and other career-oriented programs to selected senior institutions. Students interested in transfer should contact a counselor or their academic advisor early in their program.

Admission Requirements: Applicants must do the following:
    • Comply with all general admission requirements for Allied Health Programs.
    • Attend a Respiratory Therapy Information Session online.
    • Qualify for ENG 111 and MTH 151 through acceptable scores on NOVA placement tests.
    • Have a minimum 2.5 curricular GPA at the last school/college attended at which at least 15 credits were completed.
    • Have completed ENG 111, BIO 141 or NAS 161 and BIO 142 or NAS 162, HLT 141, and SDV 101 Orientation to Healthcare or SDV elective with a grade of “C” or higher.
    • Have completed RTH 120 with a grade of “B” or higher.

Advanced Placement Admission: Students seeking advanced placement, or transfer, including military respiratory technicians, or non-associate degree therapists should contact the assistant dean of the RTH program for individual counseling.

Special Accreditation Status: NOVA's Respiratory Therapy Program at the Medical Education Campus is accredited by , the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC). NOVA's CoARC number is 200206.

Special Program Continuation Requirements: If general education courses are not completed before acceptance into the Respiratory Therapy Program, then they are to be taken in the corresponding semester as indicated in the curriculum plan. Students may not proceed to the next sequential respiratory therapy course without having completed the appropriate general education coursework.

Continuation Requirement: Students must comply with all continuation requirements for Allied Health and Respiratory Therapy students.

    • Students in good standing may be permitted to re-enroll in the RTH curriculum on a space-available basis, with permission of the Assistant Dean
    • Students who leave the program for any period up to two years for either personal or academic reasons are required to demonstrate proficiency in all previously enrolled skills courses prior to reentering the program. Practical exams are administered and scheduled by the program faculty. A written exam will be required.
    • Students who leave the program for any period of time for medical reasons are required to submit evidence of good physical and mental health, as substantiated by a newly completed Pre-Admission Health History and Physical for Allied Health and Nursing Form (125–007) signed by the primary physician responsible for their care.

Licensure Requirements: The Virginia Board of Medicine reserves the right to deny licensure to any candidate who has been convicted of a crime or any offense relating to the abuse of alcohol and/or use or sale of controlled substances in Virginia or any other state. Any applicant to the Respiratory Therapy Program who has been found guilty of a misdemeanor or felony must consult with the assistant dean of Respiratory Therapy prior to acceptance into the program.

1BIO 141 Anatomy & Physiology I or 4
  NAS  161  Health Science I  
1BIO 142 Anatomy & Physiology II or 4
  NAS  162  Health Science II  
ENG 111 College Composition I 3
HLT 141 Medical Terminology 1
RTH 120 Fundamental Theory for Respiratory Care (“B” or higher required) 2
SDV 101 Orientation to Healthcare 1
Total   15
Two Years Credits
1st Semester
2___ Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 3
RTH 145 Pharmacology for Respiratory Care I 1
RTH 151 Fundamental Clinical Procedures 3
RTH 102 Integrated Science for Respiratory Care II 3
RTH 111 Anatomy & Physiology of the Cardiopulmonary System 3
Total   13
2nd Semester
3CST 229 Intercultural Communication 3
  CST  110  Introduction to Communication  
  CST  115  Small Group Communication  
  CST  126  Interpersonal Communication  
RTH 121 Cardiopulmonary Science I 3
RTH 131 Respiratory Care Theory & Procedures I 4
RTH 196 On-Site Training in Respiratory Care I 3
RTH 245 Pharmacology for Respiratory Care II 2
Total   15
3rd Semester
RTH 296 On-Site Training in Respiratory Care II 2
RTH 135 Diagnostic & Therapeutic Procedures 2
Total   4
4th Semester
RTH 215 Pulmonary Rehabilitation 1
RTH 222 Cardiopulmonary Science II 3
RTH 223 Cardiopulmonary Science III 2
RTH 236 Critical Care Monitoring 3
RTH 290 Coordinated Intership 3
Total   12
5th Semester
PED 116 Lifetime Fitness & Wellness 1
RTH 225 Neonatal & Pediatric Respiratory Procedures 3
RTH 227 Integrated Respiratory Therapy Skills II 2
RTH 290 Coordinated Intership 3
4___ Social Science Elective 3
Total   12
Total credits for the Respiratory Therapy A.A.S.=71 (includes 15 prerequisite credits)

1 Although students who have graduated with a transfer-oriented A.A., A.S., or A.A. & S. degree or any baccalaureate or higher degree from a regionally accredited United States institution of higher education will have most of their general education considered as fulfilled, they must meet the math and science requirements specified for this program. Exceptions must be approved by the division dean responsible for the student’s curriculum.

2 See humanities/fine arts courses listed under General Education Electives.

3 CST 229 is recommended.

4 See social/behavioral science courses listed under General Education Electives.