Purpose: This program is designed to prepare graduates for employment in entry-level positions at biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, as laboratory, research, or manufacturing technicians. Coursework will develop an understanding of basic scientific principles in biology and chemistry, and will emphasize laboratory techniques and procedures such as solution and media preparation, DNA purification and analysis, electrophoresis, chromatography, maintenance of cells in culture, and quality control techniques.
Transfer Information: Transfer is not the primary purpose of an A.A.S. program, but NOVA has articulation agreements that facilitate the transfer of this and other career-oriented programs to selected senior institutions. Many of the courses within the program are accepted for transfer to almost any senior institution. Students interested in transfer should contact their faculty advisor early in their program.
Recommended Preparation: Students should be proficient in high school English, Algebra and Biology.
1 Students who wish to transfer to a four year institution for a baccalaureate degree should complete the CHM 111-112 series.
2 Students must complete one of the following MTH 157, MTH 181, MTH 241, or MTH 271. Please see advisor for additional information on transferability of courses.
3 The social science elective may be selected from the social/behavioral sciences courses listed under General Education Electives.
4 Biotechnology elective in the science category may be selected from BIO 256 (General Genetics, 4 cr.), CHM 260 (Introductory Biochemistry, 3 cr.) or MDL 215 (Immunology, 2 cr.) Students who choose MDL 215 must take one additional credit in the Biotechnology Experiential Learning category.
5 Students who plan to transfer to a university may wish to consider taking ENG 112 College Composition II.
6 Biotechnology elective in the applied science category may be selected from BIO 251 (Biotechnology I: Protein Research, 4 cr.) or BIO 252 (Biotechnology II: DNA Research, 4 cr.).
7 Biotechnology electives in the experiential learning category may be selected from BIO 290 (Coordinated Internship), BIO 296 (On-Site Training in Biotechnology), BIO 297 (Cooperative Education), BIO 298 (Seminar and Project), and BIO 299 (Supervised Study). A total of 3 credits in this category is required, from a combination of 1-3 credits in any of these courses.
8 Students can also substitute CST 100, 110, 115, 227 or 229.
9 Humanities/fine arts elective may be selected from the humanities/fine arts courses listed under General Education Electives.