College Catalog Programs of Study 2011-2012



Associate of Applied Science Degree


Purpose:  The curriculum is designed to provide an individual with a sufficient level of knowledge, understanding, and proficiency to perform the tasks associated with meeting a client's needs. These tasks can be performed by a trained, non-lawyer assistant working under the direction and supervision of a lawyer. A paralegal or legal assistant will have a basic understanding of the general processes of American law, along with the knowledge and proficiency required to perform specific tasks under the supervision of a lawyer in the fields of civil and criminal law. Occupational objectives include employment in corporate law firms, government agencies, and any of the varied law related fields.

Recommended Preparation:  Proficiency in high school English.

Completion Requirements: To remain in the program, students must complete each of the legal courses in the program with a C or better. No more than 50% of the paralegal studies credits required for the AAS degree program, approved by the American Bar Association, may be transferred from another college. Case-by-case exceptions may be made at the discretion of the assistant dean for paralegal studies.

Special Approval Status: The Paralegal Studies program is approved by the American Bar Association.

Two Years Credits
1st Semester
ENG 111 College Composition I 3
LGL 110 Intro to Law & the Legal Assistant 3
LGL 117 Family Law 3
LGL 125 Legal Research 3
1PED 116 Lifetime Fitness & Wellness 1
2PHI 115 Practical Reasoning 3
3SDV 100 College Success Skills 1
Total   17
2nd Semester
ENG 112 College Composition II 3
LGL 126 Legal Writing 3
LGL 215 Torts 3
LGL 218 Criminal Law 3
4MTH 151 Math for the Liberal Arts I 3
1PED/RPK PED/RPK    Elective 1
Total   16
3rd Semester
5___ ___    Approved Elective 3
ITE 115 Intro to Computer Applications & Concepts 3
LGL 115 Real Estate Law 3
LGL 217 Trial Practice & the Law of Evidence 3
LGL 235 Legal Aspects of Business Organizations 3
PSY 201 Intro to Psychology I or SOC 201 Intro to Sociology I 3
Total   18
4th Semester
5___ ___    Approved Elective 2
CST 110 Intro to Communication 3
LGL 225 Estate Planning & Probate 3
LGL 230 Legal Transactions 3
PSY 202 Intro to Psychology II or SOC 202 Intro to Sociology II 3
Total   14
Total credits for the Paralegal Studies A.A.S.=65

1 The PED requirement may be met by one of the following options: PED 116, 2 cr.; PED 116, 1 cr. plus a PED activities course, 1 cr.; or PED 116, 1 cr. plus RPK activities course. PED 116 is offered as both a 1-credit and a 2-credit course.

2 Any PHI course numbered 100 or above may be substituted.

3 Students may substitute the SDV 101 Orientation section related to this program.

4 Any higher level MTH course or a science course (BIO, CHM, GOL, NAS, PHY) may be substituted.

5 Elective courses should be selected after consultation with a counselor or faculty advisor, and should be designed to further a student’s career and educational goals.