NOVA Advising Sheet 2024-2025

Criminology and Criminal Justice, A.S.

Catalog Year: 2024-2025
Code: 4710

Two Years Credits
4 General Education Elective 3
6 Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 3
3 Physical or Life Science Elective w/Lab 4
3 Physical or Life Science Elective w/Lab 4
ADJ 100 Survey of Criminal Justice 3
Choose One
ADJ 105 The Juvenile Justice System OR 3
ADJ 211 Criminal Law, Evidence, and Procedures I OR 3
2 ADJ 234 Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism 3
Choose One
ADJ 133 Ethics and the Criminal Justice Professional OR 3
ADJ 110 Introduction to Law Enforcement OR 3
ADJ 233 Multiculturalism in Policing 3
ADJ 140 Introduction to Corrections 3
ADJ 201 Criminology 3
Choose One
ADJ 236 Principles of Criminal Investigation OR 3
ADJ 229 Community Policing in Modern Society 3
Choose One
CST 100 Principles of Public Speaking OR 3
CST 110 Introduction to Human Communication 3
Choose One
ENG 2-- - Literature Elective OR 3
REL 237 Religions of the East OR 3
REL 100 Introduction to the Study of Religion 3
ENG 111 College Composition I 3
ENG 112 College Composition II 3
1 HIS Elective 3
ITE 152 Introduction to Digital and Information Literacy and Computer Applications 3
MTH 154 Quantitative Reasoning or Higher 3
PSY 200 Principles of Psychology 3
Choose One
SDV 100 College Success Skills OR 1
SDV 101 Orientation to (a Specific Discipline) 1
SOC 200 Introduction to Sociology 3
SOC 266 Race and Ethnicity 3
SOC 268 Social Problems 3
Total Credits for Criminology and Criminal Justice, A.S. = 60

1 Select any HIS course listed under the social/behavioral science courses in General Education Electives. Elective should be selected with advice of a counselor or faculty advisor to meet the requirements of the transfer institution.

Students planning to attend George Mason University can take any of the courses listed. Students planning to attend different universities should consult transfer guides via for additional information.

3 Select any physical and life science course listed under the General Education Electives. Elective should be selected with advice of a counselor or faculty advisor to meet the requirements of the transfer institution.

4 Select any course listed under General Education Electives. Electives should be selected with advice of a counselor or academic advisor to meet the requirements of the transfer institution. Students planning to attend George Mason University are encouraged to take CST 229, PLS 241, or REL 100. Consult transfer guides via for additional information.

5 Prospective George Mason University students should consider enrolling in ADJ 133 to fulfill core major requirements for the Criminology, Law, and Society degree program.

See humanities/fine arts courses listed under General Education Electives. Students must choose courses from two of the three areas listed. Credit will not be applied if student takes two courses from the same area. Electives should be selected with advice of a counselor or academic advisor to meet requirements of the transfer institution.

7Any 200-level literature course with an ENG prefix satisfies this requirement. Students planning to attend George Mason University are encouraged to take an approved ENG 200 level Literature Elective.