NOVA Advising Sheet 2024-2025

Cybersecurity, A.A.S.

Catalog Year: 2024-2025
Code: 3450

Two Years Credits
10 Approved Elective 3
9 Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 3
8 Social/Behavioral Sciences Elective 3
4 CST Elective 3
ENG 111 College Composition I 3
1 ITE 152 Introduction to Digital and Information Literacy and Computer Applications 3
Choose One
ITN 101 Introduction to Network Concepts OR 3
ITN 100 Introduction to Telecommunications 3
ITN 106 Microcomputer Operating Systems 3
Choose One
ITN 107 Personal Computer Hardware and Troubleshooting OR 3
ITE 221 Personal Computer Hardware and OS Architecture 3
Choose One
ITN 170 Linux System Administration OR 3
ITN 171 UNIX I 3
ITN 200 Administration of Network Resources 3
ITN 260 Network Security Basics 3
ITN 261 Network Attacks, Computer Crime, and Hacking 4
ITN 262 Network Communication, Security, and Authentication 4
ITN 263 Internet/Intranet Firewalls and E-Commerce Security 4
ITN 266 Network Security Layers 3
ITN 276 Computer Forensics I 3
7 ITP Programming Elective 4
1 ITP 100 Software Design 3
MTH 154 Quantitative Reasoning OR Higher 3
SDV 101 Orientation to Information Technology 1
Total Credits for Cybersecurity, A.A.S. = 65

Information Technology (ITD, ITE, ITN, ITP) and or Computer Science (CSC) courses used for this program may not be more than 10 years old as of the first day of the fall semester of the academic year in which a student graduates, unless approved by the pathway dean.

1 United States Naval Community College students may substitute an approved elective.

Credit will be awarded for either ITN 100 or ITN 101

May substitute a higher-level mathematics course. Consult with an academic advisor for appropriate selection.

4 Select from the following: CST 100, CST 110, CST 126, and CST 229.

5 Credit will be awarded for either ITN 107 or ITE 221.

Credit will be awarded for either ITN 170 or ITN 171.

Select from the following: ITP 120, ITP 132, ITP 150, ITP 225  or ITP 270.

See social/behavioral science courses listed under General Education Electives. Elective should be selected with advice of a counselor or faculty advisor to meet the requirements of the transfer institution.

See humanities/fine arts courses listed under General Education Electives. Electives should be selected with advice of a counselor or academic advisor to meet the requirements of the transfer institution.

10 Select from the following: ITN 264, ITN 267, ITN 277, ITN 290, or ITN 295, or ENG 112.